Veterinary Referral

Under the 2015 Exemptions Order to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, remedial treatment by physiotherapy requires delegation by a veterinary surgeon who has first examined the animal.

New guidance issued in 2020, found in Chapter 19 of the supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct clarifies that maintenance care for a healthy animal does NOT require veterinary referral. However, the animal must still be registered with a veterinary surgeon. If there is any sign of an underlying condition, I am required to ask you to take the animal to the vet or ask your consent to disclose my concerns to your vet.

If your animal has an existing condition for which they have received veterinary investigation or treatment, I am required by law to obtain veterinary referral. Please ask your vet to complete and return the form below or provide me with your vet’s details and I can do this for you.